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A Guide To A Safe Browsing Experience

It is now a norm that most of our online activities using our computers and laptops revolve around the use of our browsers. While most of us do not really care on what kind of browsers we use, and the kind of things we add to it, it should still be a safe experience as much as possible.

browseThere are certain ways to ensure that what you are doing with your browser is safe and secured. Because if you do not do anything to safeguard your activity, you will end up having miserable time fixing your mistakes that could have been avoided from the beginning.

The following are some of the tips that you can follow in order to make sure that your browsing activity is safe and secured. You should follow all these not only for you but also for everyone who might be using your computer.

Table of Contents


Use Https all the time. It forces all the website you are visiting to only use secured apps and prevents those doubtful application from being loaded. This is the reason why some of the sites are not loading properly when using https. Don’t worry, it is a good thing that you should follow.


Avoid clicking links that you are not sure of. If possible, always check it first and if you see that the site is doubtful, do not proceed or stay in the site longer as you should be. In this way, you will be protected from those apps that will try to install malicious software.


Do not accept any permission right away without reading what they need and what they will do with the details that they will get from you. Just say no and leave the site if you are having any doubts. If possible, don’t even try to install anything from just any website without checking reviews online.

Avoid using your credit card online without verifying the site first. There are a lot of phishing scams happening online targeting those who are very active in online shopping. For your protection, verify if the site is legit first before doing any transaction with them.